BF&S Civil Engineers

Stones Crossing Johnson County

Johnson County, IN
Johnson County


BF&S prepared a Level 3 Categorical Exclusion environmental document for this project, which included the reconstruction and widening of Stones Crossing Road (CR 700 North) from SR 135 to CR 125 West and Worthsville Road (CR 750 North) from CR 125 to I-65. The project included full-depth pavement replacement, new shoulders, curb and gutter, sidewalks and multiuse paths, and major horizontal alignment corrections at the existing offset intersections of Stones Crossing Road at Honey Creek Road (CR 200 West) and Stones Crossing Road/Worthsville Road at CR 125 West. The project required full Section 106 review for a “no adverse effect” finding, wetland determinations, noise analysis, and a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment.