3rd Street Bridge Hobart

3rd Street Bridge Hobart, INCity of Hobart and Lake County Summary: The picturesque 3rd Street Bridge spans over Lake George where the historic downtown Hobart meets the popular Lake Front Park. Overtopped and washed out in 2008 during a flood event, the previous 3rd Street Bridge provided a span of 66 feet with only 40-inches […]

Central Avenue over Fall Creek

Central Avenue over Fall Creek Indianapolis, IN City of Indianapolis Summary: The Central Avenue Bridge is a character-defining feature of the historic Indianapolis Parks and Boulevard System.  The structure was originally built in 1899 and set the tone for four additional bridges to be constructed along Fall Creek Parkway.  Over thecourse of a century, the […]

Carrollton Bridge

Carrollton Bridge 132 Rehabilitation Carroll County, IN Carroll County Summary: The Carrollton Bridge is a National Register-listed concrete arch bridge that was once considered too deteriorated and obsolete to be saved. Through the use of innovative engineering techniques, special materials, and experienced construction inspection engineers, the bridge was saved and rehabilitated with its original form. […]